Surveys and field measures for nature conservation

Elaboration of proposals for wild plant and animal protection

We elaborate proposals for measure for wild plant and animal protection and conservation and management of their habitats, including financing them. The measures are implemented according the requirements of public administration (the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic, Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic), municipal/local and regional (= provincial) authorities, private firms and natural persons. The proposals are discussed with the State Nature Conservancy authorities and consequently, with clients. Based on agreed proposals, we implement the specific nature conservation measures in the field, e.g. barrier installation and maintenance, pool and other wetland restoration, saving wild animals by their translocation, restocking threatened wild animal populations, inter alia, through temporary keeping and breeding in tanks at the Herpetological Station in Hradec Králové, self-sowing woody plant species felling, invasive alien plant species eradication and other activities.