In June 2014, NaturaServis Ltd. completed a great and comprehensive project: a complementing an extensive garden in Prague with water components, namely with a brook with an artificial water circulation and with a set of forest pools with a special C filtration. The garden is untypical due to its coverage and location in very difficult terrain. Species richness and their spatial location, forming mysterious and quiet corners somewhere, display a strong impression. An owner of the garden permanently and carefully complements trees, bushes and flowers: therefore, the garden becomes to be more a collection-like site.
During building the garden, stone block reaching many tonnes in weight were clustered into naturally looking groups by heavy building machinery. In addition, stones of various sizes created impressive rockeries along a stream as well on the banks. Rapids were also built on the brook. A separate C filtration system treating all water flowing through a new water system was also provided there. Rock outcrops built in some garden´s parts increased habitat diversity at the site. .
The man-made water stream and a set of forest pools (water surface of the largest one covers almost 300 sq. m) were improved by water plants: some large fishes were introduced there, too.