Surveys and field measures for nature conservation

Installing a barrier at the town of Písek

Saturday, March 21, 2015
Local people helped with the installation of a temporary barrier carried out by NaturaServis Ltd., now at the site of “U tří rybníčků/At three small fishponds” at the town of Písek (southern Bohemia). The company provides materials and professionally trained local volunteers: the training was managed by the Department of Nature conservation, Písek Town Office. The outputs of the action include a barrier reaching 400 meters in length and an underpass, saving many animals in the future. The activity was reported by the Česká televize/Czech Televison and the Czech Radio (see links below). We would like to appreciate efforts of those who participated in the action for the friendly atmosphere and particularly for their work!

See the Czech Television snap (at approx. 16th minute).
Listen to the Czech radio snap.

NS_Web_Realizace_Pisek_02.jpg    NS_Web_Realizace_Pisek_01.JPG